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Roundnet Indoor
Fall 2024 / Winter 2025

Fall: Oct 10 - Dec 19 (11 weeks)

Winter: Jan 9 - Mar 27 (11 weeks)

Time: Thursday 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Location: Double Gym - 1196 College St

Schedule: Minimum 6 matches per week

Cost: $165

An individual Roundnet (Spikeball) league for adults. Open to all skill levels!

Come meet new people and play some roundnet in a large gymnasium just a block away from Dufferin and College.


A ladder system is used to divide players into tiers to ensure players of similar skill level are matched as partners and opponents. Each player will partner with each other player in their tier for a match to 15 points.

Your score from each game will be added to your totals at the end of each week. Between weeks, the top two players of each tier will swap with the bottom two players in the tier above. The last week will be a single elimination playoff with partners determined by your final rankings.


Each tier will have their own net setup with serving markers and a No Hit Zone.


Our main form of communication will be on Discord. 


1196 College St, Toronto in St Helen's Catholic School Gym. Easily accessible by TTC.



Thursdays evenings beginning at 6:30pm. Please arrive to give
yourself enough time to dress, warm up and be ready to play before

the first match begins.


First matches start at 6:40pm with no breaks between.

Each player will have 6 matches per day, alternating playing and sitting off. Tiers are 4 players each, you will partner with a different player in your tier each match.

Each match is a single game played to 15 points. Win by 2. Score cap at 17. Time cap at 12min. All scores will be normalized to a maximum of 15 points for the rankings after each week.

To ensure all games have enough time to be played, if a match finishes early the next match should begin immediately.


Delay of game penalty

For every minute your opponents are not ready to play beyond the start time, you may take 1 point. If you choose not to do this at the time, you may not choose to take the points later.


Time Cap

Matches have a hard cap at time to ensure equal play time for all. This will be tracked using a digital clock on the gym wall that will display a countdown for every match. At 15 seconds remaining, "Last serve" will be called loudly. If the match is still tied after that point, play one final point to determine a winner.



If you are away for a week you are responsible for finding your own substitute player. If you are unable to find a sub for yourself, you will be given 0 points for each game and moved down a tier the following week. If a league organizer finds a sub for you, you may be unable to be promoted to the next tier regardless of the substitute player's performance.


What to Bring
  • Comfortable, athletic clothes to move around in

  • Athletic footwear that does NOT scuff a gym floor

    • Indoor court shoes (Volleyball/Basketball) are highly recommended​

  • Water bottle​



Play will follow the latest Official IRF Roundnet ruleset with the following exceptions.


0.0 Player Agreement

0.1 All players may agree upon any rule before starting a match that will override any other rule.

i.e. In lower tiers players may agree to change the serving distance, ignore the NHZ or anything else. As long as all players give a verbal agreement before the first point is served.

0.2 At any time if you cannot agree on the outcome of a point, re-serve it starting back at first serve, no faults.


3.4 To Win a Game

3.4.1 All games will be played to a score of 15. Win by 2. In the event of a time cap, the leading team will be awarded 15 points, the other team will maintain the point differential.

i.e. A score of 11-8 becomes 15-12, 12-11 becomes 15-14.

3.4.2 Hard cap - 17 points. As soon as one team reaches 17 points the game ends, regardless of whether or not they have a 2 point advantage. In the rankings, any final scores over 15 will be normalized to a maximum of 15 points.

i.e. 17-16 becomes 15-14. 17-15 becomes 15-13.


5.8 Hits out of bounds

5.8.1 After a hit on the net, if the balls lands outside the designated court bounds it is a loss of point for the player that hit. If any part of the ball touches any part of the line designating the court bounds it is in-bounds and a point for the hitting team. If the ball contacts the ceiling, walls, or any fixture attached to them it is out of bounds.

5.8.2 If a balls lands out of bounds after being touched by a player on the defending team, it is a loss of point for that team.

5.8.3 A ball being served cannot be out of bounds.

5.8.4 Once the ball has been touched by the defending team after a hit on the net, there is no out of bounds. Therefore, after a team's first touch the ball may rebound off the wall or any other non-floor surface or object and still be played again by their parter (or themself in a soft-touch).




The initial tiers will be determined using a player’s final position from the last season they played or their registration form rating.


Each week, a player’s total points will be summed to determine their ranking within their tier. As such, every point matters. The bottom two players of a tier will move down, while the top two players will move up.


New for 2024/2025!

The indoor leagues will be located in a large double gym giving each court double the space of last year and allowing 4 matches to be played simultaneously.

Example rankings

Results example

Tips for Beginners
  • Pass to the net, not your partner. No matter where they are, your partner will always know where the ball is going.

  • As soon as you recognize you will not make the first touch, move towards the net and get ready to set.

  • Don't attack/hit on the second touch. It could catch your opponent off guard, but hitting off a well placed set gives you more time and increases your chances of a successful attack.

  • Hit the ball below your shoulders in front of your body. That makes it much more likely you'll be able to see the net as you contact the ball.

  • Similarly, hit the ball more like a ping pong or tennis ball, not a volleyball. Contact as close to the net as possible. Sideways across your body to make it skip fast off the net. An attack straight down, comes straight up and high, making it easy to return.

Join the chat

Join us on Discord for announcements, schedules, weekly results and more!

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